Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Laptop!

Heyall! This is the firat time I'm blogging with my new laptop! No more ma fan with CS3 installation!!!! (I suck at installing programs beside game lol!) It's a Toshiba M800 Mercury Black which in student price cost me around $2000. I even had a name for it which unconsciouslly popped out when I was caressing me baby and as corny as it may sound, HER name is "Black Beauty". Yeah I know go ahead and laugh!

Funny thing happen today with my laptop. The only problem I have with it so far was it heats up very VERY quickly. Trixie told me maybe I ran too many programmes overtime but the heating noramlly occurs right after I on and I had very few programmes running. So we decided that we should take it for servicing *sob!* I mean, it was literally blowing out hot air like and air conditioner except it not cold! last night I even had to work with the fan constantly blowing at the ventilating unit and because it heats the table too, it scared me so I propped it with a box while working.

I think BB has a mind on its own and maybe it overheard me. Knowing that I intend to bring it to the 'doctor', surprisingly, it did't heat up at all! Not once and not even now! Dunno, maybe the fan- blowing- thingy worked lol or it was just initiation prob. Now I just love it even more and more! BB wan sui!

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