Friday, February 20, 2009

Pork Fats

I've never seen so many pork fats in my life. Mama was making prawn noodle so she asked Mummy to fry some pork fat. And I SERIOUSLY heard her say: " Buy $5 worth of fats." I went to Shop'n'Save and all I saw packages of only 60cents to $1+ and I was like "Huh? Y they give so little only? It does shrink when you fry them maybe thats why Mom wanted $5..."

I actually considered buying the whole shelf off so all the packets would add up to $5 but thought it wouldn't be so nice. So I went home with $3+ worth of fats. When my mom saw she went hysterical and said: "I said 50cents not $5 dollars!" So yeah.... we tried to sell some away to our close reatives and my story we repeated over and over and over again... lol...

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